in Development

UI-Grid and Multi-Select

UI-Grid and Multi-Select

In a previous post we explored how to use dropdown widgets with UI-Grid. That’s great if your model allows just one value, but what if you want to allow multiple values?

Here’s an example: you’ve got a list of people who can each speak one or more languages. Your users need to be able select multiple options from a list of languages for each person in your data set. How do you do it?

Thankfully, UI-Select already has multi-select built in. All we need to do is take the code from our previous post and tweak it a bit.

Tweak the Theme

First off, it doesn’t look like we can use the selectize theme for multi-select. We’ll have to use select2. This is as simple as swapping out the theme property in our ui-select directive: theme="select2".

That only changes the theme; it doesn’t enable multi-selection. In order to do that we need to also add the multiple property.

We’ll also need to swap out our reference to the selectize CSS for select2’s:

This will have our select box looking like this: Multi-select example

Comma Separated Values

Next, in our grid we want to see the values separated by commas. We can create a custom cell template that joins the column’s field with the join operator:

There’s other ways you could choose to display the selected values, of course. Comma-separated is easy to implement though.

Change the Placeholder

Finally, we need to make sure the selected options show up properly. Inside the ui-select-match directive we change {{ blah }} to {{ $item }}. Our final UI-Select markup looks like this:



Here’s our updated plunker:

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